Infertility, Tips and Suggestions, Unexplained Infertility

You Must Try This Herb If Your Cycle is Irregular

There are various fertility herbs but probably the most famous one is Agnus Castus also known as Chaste Berry Tree or Vitex.

It can have such an amazing effect on your fertility in so many ways. You would be surprised to know that labs use its extract in certain medications that women take to treat menstruation or menopausal issues.

Vitex can fix irregular cycles. The length of the luteal phase can be increased by taking Agnus Castus. A short luteal phase is associated with decreased fertility.

Vitex can also help women who suffer from severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It can relieve breast tenderness, depression, mood swings and irritability.

Furthermore, taking Vitex for at least 2 months can maintain normal ovarian function, trigger the production of progesterone and help women with lack of ovulation or infertility.

I would recommend taking at least 750mg of Vitex every day from menstruation till ovulation but some women take it during the entire cycle non-stop for at least 2-3 months as it takes time for it to build in the system.

Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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