Infertility, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Why Western Medicine Is Often Wrong About Infertility

American couples spend more than $2 billion a year on fertility treatments, according to recent reports. Yet, more than half of them still fail to conceive.

With dozens of high-tech procedures at our disposal, you’d think that anyone – and everyone – who wanted to get pregnant could – and would. Still, many do not. Why?

More often than not it is because modern medical practitioners fail to do what Eastern practitioners do: look for the most subtle things which could impede conception that have little or nothing to do with a health problem.

True, IVF or other such medical procedures can help fertilize an egg via a Petrie dish and bypass any blockages within the woman’s reproductive system, but if her emotions and inner energies are not considered (and treated), implantation will not – and often cannot – occur.

The biggest problem with western medicine, according to those who prescribe to a more Eastern worldview, is their need to find and “fix” a conception problem with a pill or a procedure instead of finding ways to help the body heal itself more naturally.

Here’s an example: let’s say your thyroid is not producing the proper amounts of the hormone needed for pregnancy, western medicine dictates prescribing a synthetic hormone to fix the imbalance.

Eastern medicine though looks for reasons why the thyroid isn’t working properly and then finds a treatment that helps coax the thyroid into making proper amounts of the needed hormone on its own again.

Of course that doesn’t mean that modern technology should never be used to treat infertility; only that it should be used in conjunction with other methods designed to bring the entire body into alignment in order to guarantee success.

For many women a combination of western and eastern treatment methods is the best course of action in helping them conceive.

Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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