Infertility, Lifestyle, Unexplained Infertility

What makes someone very fertile? By Lisa Olson

Fertility indicates your ability to conceive children. A woman’s peak reproductive years are between late teens and late 20s.

Fertility will usually start to decline in your 30’s.

Factors that may contribute to infertility include age, smoking, stress, certain medical issues, obesity, alcohol and drug use.

With that said, what are some of the more clear signs that you are in fact fertile and ready to get pregnant?

Here are 4 signs that signal peak fertility:

Your period should be very predictable

One good indicator for fertility is when your cycle is quite predictable every month. That signals fertility. I’m not talking about birth control cycles but natural cycles without any medical intervention.

Though the length and regularity of a menstrual cycle may differ, the average duration of a complete menstrual cycle is 28 days (though healthy cycles can run from 21-36 days). Cycles longer than 28 days don’t necessarily mean anything is wrong with you.

Your ovulation day will be about half your cycle length.

This is another true indicator for fertility. If your cycle averages 30 days then you should ovulate around cycle day 15. A positive sign on your ovulation predictor kit signals that you should expect to ovulate within the next 36 hours.

A late ovulation means that the current uterine lining starts to be a bit too old, which means it would be harder for a fertilized egg to attach, although it doesn’t harm the baby if you do get pregnant after all.

You will have a very fertile cervical mucus

Cervical mucus or cervical fluid is one of the primary fertility signs to getting pregnant. A dry cervical mucus can resist the movement of sperm and inhibit fertilization.

Directly prior to ovulation, your cervical mucus should be abundant. The stretchiness of the mucus indicates that ovulation is likely imminent.

Cervical mucus or cervical fluid is one of the three primary fertility signs to getting pregnant. A dry cervical mucus can resist the movement of sperm and inhibit fertilization.

Fertile mucus will be thin, slippery (like lubricant), stretchy and translucent. Typically, fertile-quality cervical fluids will appear a few days prior to and during ovulation.

You will experience a real increase in libido

Fertile women, right before ovulation, will experience a rise in sexual desire as estrogen and testosterone levels increase. Your body will also change during this period. Fuller lips, a high pitched voice and a change in facial structure also signal increased fertility.


Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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