Infertility, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions


Eating the right kind of foods and reducing stress can obviously have a huge impact on sperm quality and production.

But did you know for example that stress during lovemaking can result in much less sperm in the semen upon ejaculation?

It is important to abstain from sex for about 2-3 days before you start having intercourse during your “fertile window”. However, boosting sperm count is possible if practicing an ancient Tantric Yoga Method during this abstinence period.

During these 2-3 day period of abstinence, engage in extended and stimulating foreplay without ejaculating. When the urge to have an orgasm becomes too strong, sexual contact is stopped till the penis becomes flaccid again.

When no longer showing signs of being aroused, start engaging in the extended foreplay again and repeat the process.

This stimulation plus the gaining and losing of the erection over time, can basically boost sperm count and quality as well.

If your partner cannot control ejaculation, and does ejaculate during this process, then the benefits of his entire abstinence have been interrupted.

Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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