A new research has thrown up an amazing collection of apparently unrelated objects of daily use which have been traced to infertility incidences in women. Shampoos, perfumes, plastic containers, pesticides and non-stick frying pans are the five most conspicuous items in the list. Wondering what the mystery could be?
Which vitamin impacts almost each and every cell in your body and has recently been correlated with fertility boosting capability in both men and women?
You are always on the go, and take-away meals are your way of life. Nothing is more comfortable than plastic food-wrappers and tin cans to carry food on the go.
Yet, you will be surprised to know that these innocuous-looking materials have been linked to infertility in women, as this article explores.
I never really thought too much about my sleeping pattern. I was always so obsessed about my menstruation, ovulation day, short cycle, lack of cervical mucus and so many other aspects in my voyage towards becoming a mom that I completely forgot to check whether I’m providing my body with enough quality sleep.
For a natural, healthy conception, zinc seems to be the catchword.
You might have come across the myriad health benefits of zinc, ranging from an immunity booster, to its renal applications, to its anti-stress and anti-ageing properties. But did you know that Zinc, has proven to be the to-be mother’s best friend?