Infertility, Lifestyle, Unexplained Infertility

How many times should you have sex during ovulation?

Having sex at the right time is essential to getting pregnant.

It is important to have sex just prior to and at ovulation time, but what if you ovulate late? Like after day 16? Then you may find it difficult to maintain a pregnancy even if you are lucky enough to conceive.

Some cycles are a recipe for disaster, and even if you do manage to conceive, they will likely result in a miscarriage.

Cycles with an ovulation time after day 16 is one of them. Why? Because the uterine lining is no longer optimal for nourishing a fetus.

If you find that you regularly ovulate after day 16, be sure to tell your doctor!

Now, it is important to understand that once you’ve ovulated, you have just about a 12 hour period of time to conceive.

That’s because the lifespan of an egg, once it has ovulated, is only about 24 hours so if that egg is not fertilized within the first 12 hours after ovulation, conception is likely not going to happen.

That is why it’s important to have sex before ovulation, if possible.

A study has found that among healthy women trying to conceive, nearly all pregnancies can be attributed to intercourse during a six-day period ending on the day of ovulation.

Obviously, frequent ejaculations reduce sperm count,  sperm concentration, and the percentage of sperm that are motile.

So frequent ejaculation could potentially reduce the potency of subsequent batches of sperm.

Too much sex can theoretically decrease sperm count, which can then take a few days to rebound.

So probably the best and optimal approach would be to have sex every other day, instead of every day, during your fertile window.


Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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