Have you been recommended exercise to facilitate a healthy pregnancy?
Well, you might like to reconsider your regime after reading this.
A new study suggests that exercising beyond moderation can have a negative impact on your chances of getting pregnant.
The study which was published in March 2012 in Fertility and Sterility claimed that women with normal-weight—that is those who have body mass index (BMI) less than 25—who underwent rigorous exercise such as running, swimming, and aerobics for five or more hours a week had their chances of pregnancy reduced by as much as 42 percent as compared to women who did not engage in any form of exercise.
It seems that overdoing exercise can interfere with ovulation of moderate-weight women and can lead to disruption of menstrual cycle.
Strenuous exercise signals the pituitary gland that it is not the right time to further stress the body pregnancy, and thus the mechanism promoting ovulation by the ovary is ceased.
Heavy exercise could also intervene with smooth implantation, a process by which the fertilized egg attaches itself to the endometrium, the inner wall of the uterus.
It must be surprising for you that something that has been traditionally advised to you for your betterment, and has been long associated with protection of your body from various diseases and health issues can actually be detrimental to your pregnancy potential.
Since intensive exercise reduces progesterone levels and practically throws off your hormonal statistics, it greatly affects the pregnancy potential of a woman. In fact, you may actually end up miscarrying without even getting a clue of it.
I would like to note that this limitation on exercise is applicable for women with normal weight. Women who are obese, however, must do considerable exercise to reduce excess flab which can facilitate a healthy pregnancy. So, the mantra for a healthy pregnancy is that too much or too less of exercise is never advisable.
Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program
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