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Tips and Suggestions

Fertility Treatments, Infertility, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Can I get pregnant if I have high prolactin levels?

Prolactin is a hormone that helps women to produce milk after the birth of a baby. When levels are high, ovulation is hindered; that is why many nursing mothers do not get a period while their babies are nursing at peak capacity.

Reducing estrogen levels in women and progesterone levels in men, prolactin can have a serious effect on both male and female fertility, causing a loss of ovulation in the female and a poor production of sperm in males.

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Infertility, Tips and Suggestions, Unexplained Infertility

How soon can you get pregnant after birth control?

Long term use of birth control pills should not have a negative impact on your fertility or on your ability to conceive.

Most women can get pregnant within the first 12 months of contraceptive discontinuation but a study found that women who used a combined estrogen and progestin birth control pills for more than three years were were more fertile than women who used them for a shorter period of time.

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Diet, Infertility, Tips and Suggestions

Is there a cure for endometriosis?

Do you suffer from pelvic pain – usually worse during your period? How about period pain? pain during or after sex? pain when peeing or pooing during your period? If you experience any of these symptoms then you may have a condition called Endometriosis.

Endometriosis is caused when pieces of the inner lining of the uterus begin to grow outside the uterus. Endometriosis usually affects the Fallopian tubes, ovaries, bladder, and sometimes even the pelvic cavity found in the abdomen.

About one third of all fertility problems stem from endometriosis, which can cut a woman’s chance of getting pregnant by 40%.

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Infertility, Tips and Suggestions, Unexplained Infertility

How To Achieve The Most Fertile Cervical Mucus

Cervical mucus or cervical fluid is one of the three primary fertility signs to getting pregnant. A dry cervical mucus for example can resist the movement of sperm and inhibit fertilization.

Vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, obesity, breastfeeding, and stopping birth control pills can all change the nature of your cervical mucus.

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