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Infertility, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Avoid These Activities 24 Hours Prior to Ovulation and Until Your Period Begins

Post-Ovulation, can either be a time of rest for your body (if you are not pregnant) or a time of work (if you are pregnant).

Your body has to be ready for either scenario, and this requires taking extra precautions in all areas of your life to ensure that if conception has occurred, you are giving that embryo every chance to implant and survive.

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Infertility, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Making Love With Passion or Just Thinking About Getting Pregnant?

When most couples do decide to have a baby, they really don’t give very much thought to how difficult it can be especially when they choose to have a second child.

It may seem obvious, but too many couples who are having difficulty getting pregnant forget the #1 rule to conceiving a child: having sex!

Believe it or not, more than half of all couples trying to have a baby have sex less than once a week. But how you do it is also important!

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