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Fertility Treatments

Fertility Treatments, Infertility, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Can I get pregnant if I have high prolactin levels?

Prolactin is a hormone that helps women to produce milk after the birth of a baby. When levels are high, ovulation is hindered; that is why many nursing mothers do not get a period while their babies are nursing at peak capacity.

Reducing estrogen levels in women and progesterone levels in men, prolactin can have a serious effect on both male and female fertility, causing a loss of ovulation in the female and a poor production of sperm in males.

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Fertility Treatments, Infertility

Can varicose veins cause male infertility?

Varioceles is a cluster of enlarged veins in the testes that accounts for 40% (or more) of all fertility problems – with these numbers being even higher among men suffering with secondary infertility (meaning that they have naturally fathered at least one child without intervention).

When varioceles occurs, blood that has clotted in the testes can heat the area to over 98.6 degrees, which is at least 1-2 degrees higher than they should be. This can cause serious damage (or even kill) sperm!

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