Infertility, Lifestyle, Tips and Suggestions

Avoid These Activities 24 Hours Prior to Ovulation and Until Your Period Begins

Post-Ovulation, can either be a time of rest for your body (if you are not pregnant) or a time of work (if you are pregnant).

Your body has to be ready for either scenario, and this requires taking extra precautions in all areas of your life to ensure that if conception has occurred, you are giving that embryo every chance to implant and survive.

To ensure that your body is creating the proper environment for a pregnancy make sure you avoid the following:

1. With regards to air travel, there are a lot of things that can disrupt your energy Qi: the stress of traveling, the air pressure changes and more. At a time when you need to keep your internal weather calm, flying can cause some real turbulence to your fertility energies.

2. Bumpy trains, buses or car rides can be stressful emotionally, but they can also be stressful physically, putting undo (and maybe even dangerous) pressure on the reproductive organs and/or pelvic region.

3. Shoulder rubs may feel great, but they are often associated with abdominal excitement and can activate acupuncture points that induce muscle contractions in the abdomen and uterus.

As a matter of fact, shoulder rubs are one of the main things a Chinese midwife will try to induce labor.

4. Avoid anyone or anything that you might find emotionally upsetting as this can disrupt your ability to both conceive and to aid the implantation of a fertilized embryo. Remember, anything that effects your body’s internal Qi will affect your fertility.

5. If there is one thing that you do not want to do when you are trying to get pregnant is to increase your body heat. Hot baths and saunas do just that.

While they may feel relaxing externally, internally hot baths will raise your internal temperature, thus disrupting your internal Qi.

6. Aromatherapy can be a strong form of treatment for certain disorders.

Fertility, however, often responds negatively to strong pungent odors from bath oils, incense, essential oils and even candles. These types of scented products can dramatically affect the way the blood and Qi energy flow through the body, which may inhibit pregnancy in some women.

7. While it may be used to ease morning sickness, ginger and ginger products can actually disperse energy within the body, causing improper blood flow which can prevent a pregnancy from either occurring or thriving.

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