Fertility Treatments, Infertility

What is IVF procedure and is it painful?

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is basically the combination of sperm and egg completed manually in the lab and the insertion of this pre-embryo back into the mother’s womb.

First , using injections, the ovaries are stimulated to produce mature eggs that are then fertilized with sperm.

In most cases, IVF injections don’t cause any pain or discomfort but obviously highly sensitive women may react differently and may experience more pain than others.

These injections may trigger certain temporary side effects such as mood swings, fatigue, spotting or headaches but this is not a must. Some women won’t experience any of these symptoms. It is very individual.

Next is the stage where eggs are retrieved using an ultrasound probe. This procedure is done using anesthesia so you should not feel any discomfort or pain although you may experience temporary menstrual like symptoms for a few days afterwards.

Final stage is the Embryo Transfer phase which doesn’t involve anesthesia and is usually pain-free. You may only experience slight cramping for a couple of days.

Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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