Infertility, Tips and Suggestions, Unexplained Infertility

Can getting pregnant cause a fever or make you sick?

There are many changes the body goes through during pregnancy.

Some of these changes can trigger symptoms you may find similar to other conditions such as fever or even the flu.

The first trimester is probably the worst in terms of symptoms. You may experience extreme fatigue, nausea and vomiting on a daily basis, headaches as well as tender breasts.

Symptoms actually tend to be the worst at around 9 or 10 weeks in which the levels of hCG are at their highest.

This is the hormone that is normally checked to see how well your pregnancy is progressing.

You’ll be surprised to know that pregnancy will weaken your immune system. This is to make sure that the body won’t reject the fetus.

As a result, you can become more susceptible. These immune system changes can increase your risk of catching the flu as well as other infections.

Another thing to remember is that the more toxins and accumulated waste you have in your body the worst these pregnancy symptoms will become.

That is why it is so important to prepare your body beforehand so that when you do get pregnant that first trimester won’t become a nightmare for you.

This isn’t a guarantee because we are all different but many women don’t experience any uncomfortable symptom during the first trimester because they do the following:

  • 1. They focus on eating clean. No junk food.
  • 2. Their food portion is small especially at night.
  • 3. They do daily meditation.
  • 4. They implement breathing exercises.
  • 5. They get enough quality sleep (on an empty stomach to further prevent morning sickness).

Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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