Infertility, Tips and Suggestions, Unexplained Infertility

How To Achieve The Most Fertile Cervical Mucus

Cervical mucus or cervical fluid is one of the three primary fertility signs to getting pregnant. A dry cervical mucus for example can resist the movement of sperm and inhibit fertilization.

Vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases, obesity, breastfeeding, and stopping birth control pills can all change the nature of your cervical mucus.

Obviously, pregnancy is more likely to happen if you have sex on a day when fertile cervical mucus was present.

Directly prior to ovulation, your cervical mucus should be abundant. The stretchiness of the mucus indicates that ovulation is likely imminent.

Fertile mucus will be thin, slippery (like lubricant), stretchy and translucent like a raw egg white. Typically, fertile-quality cervical fluids will appear a few days prior to and during ovulation.

You have to make sure that your cervical mucus is optimal for pregnancy. So in order to improve the quality of your cervical mucus, stay hydrated throughout the cycle, drink carrot and green juices on a daily basis, stop drinking coffee and take Primrose oil as well as B6 vitamin supplements.

Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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