Infertility, Tips and Suggestions

Too Old To Get Pregnant? Not Necessarily…

At what age is pregnancy considered to be “high risk”?

Most doctors will tell you that if you’re 35 or older then the risk of having pregnancy complications rises. That is indeed true but should you give up?

Not necessarily, but you should be aware that the risks of miscarriage and stillbirth are greater in women who are older than 35. Fertility does start to decline as you age.

Now, it is important to ask your doctor for a complete hormone panel blood test including a FSH test which could indicate diminished ovarian reserve(if your FSH is high), meaning a reduced number of follicles or eggs.

In most cases your doctor will recommend fertility treatments such as using donor eggs for IVF.

But you shouldn’t give up just yet. There are a couple of things that you can do if your FSH result is high and if your ovarian reserve is low.

You’ll need to improve blood flow to the ovaries.

By using acupressure or acupuncture, the eggs may receive more blood, and be more receptive to being fertilized so I would recommend seeing an acupuncturist with enough experience in fertility issues.

Supplements that can help you improve egg quality include DHEA and CoQ10. Both can have a positive effect on egg quality and can also protect the DNA of eggs and the mitochondria.

Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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