Infertility, Supplements, Tips and Suggestions

Take This Co Enzyme To Improve The Quality Of Your Eggs

Coenzyme Q10 is used by the body in the production of energy. It actually exists naturally in the human body and is present in every cell but will it really have a positive effect on your infertility?

The answer is “Yes”. You see, a recent study found that Coenzyme Q10 can directly affect egg quality in women and improve sperm density and motility in men.

Did you know for example that women are prescribed Q10 when undergoing IVF? One of the reasons is that among all of its benefits it can also improve the division of chromosome during fertilization which is such an important stage.

Not only that, it also has antioxidant properties which protect sperm cells as well as provide for proper energy production.

So now that you know how important it is, how much should you take? Well, women can start anywhere from 100-200mg once or twice a day and men can begin by taking between 40-100mg, once a day.

Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program

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