For a natural, healthy conception, zinc seems to be the catchword.
You might have come across the myriad health benefits of zinc, ranging from an immunity booster, to its renal applications, to its anti-stress and anti-ageing properties. But did you know that Zinc, has proven to be the to-be mother’s best friend?
You and your partner should be gorging on zinc rich foods such as oysters, eggs, whole grains, seeds of sunflower and pumpkin, dairy products, beans and sea-foods in general if you are gearing up for a childbirth.
In women, zinc has the very vital role of utilizing the two main reproductive hormones – oestrogen and progesterone. A lower count of zinc in a woman’s body can cause:
- Disruptions in hormone utility.
- Problems related to development of the ovary.
- Poor quality egg due to lack of protein synthesis.
Recently, an NIH financed study observed that zinc is essential for developing a healthy egg and, ultimately, a healthy embryo and zinc is a co-factor in more than 600 enzymes, some of which have direct consequences on a possible pregnancy!
Zinc is an Essential Element for Male Fertility. Sufficient levels of zinc are also essential to increase sperm counts in men and too little zinc in either parent’s body can result in chromosomal abnormalities, and fetal death.
The reason for zinc deficiency is not always low dietary intake! One is the inability of the body to process and absorb zinc from natural sources of food and the other is acquiring zinc-depleting habits such as smoking, drinking alcohol, undergoing regular stress or taking oral contraceptives.
Many of us consume certain food items assuming them to be rich in zinc.
For example, wheat is believed to contain zinc, and in its raw, unprocessed state, it indeed does. But once it is refined, polished, and flavored, 80 percent of the zinc is lost in the process.
One must caution oneself against such claims and go for foods that can truly replenish zinc in our systems.
Need guidance on how to improve your fertility? Check out my Pregnancy Miracle program
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